Water, Water Everywhere
Mealtime Prayer: After the leader prays each phrase, everyone says, “We thank You,
dear Lord.”
Leader: For food to eat and water to drink,
For healthy bodies and minds that think,
For all that we have and all we enjoy,
For every girl and every boy.
Appetizer: Try to come up with 10 uses for water. Go!
Main Course: Eat as much of your dinner as you can without taking a drink. How long
could you last? Why do we need to drink? What makes us thirsty? When do you most
appreciate an ice-cold glass of water?
Table Talk:
• Jesus is called the “Living Water.” How is He like water? Why do we need Him?
• Where can we find “living water”? How can we drink “living water”?
• Why does the satisfaction of “living water” last forever?
Vitamins and Minerals: “Whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
Hope You try this... will bring some more fun to the table each day..
From http://www.focusonthefamily.com/
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